Dan apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan bumi, berapakah banyaknya Kami tumbuhkan di bumi itu pelbagai macam tumbuh-tumbuhan yang baik?
(Asy Syu'araa' :7)

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Lapindo Mudflow: Need Government Attention !!!

Lapindo Mudflow probably have not been major media spotlight in this country. In fact, this case concerns the fate of thousands people who become victims the parties who are not responsible. The government not brave giving punishment of parties that caused this disaster. Another side, they exactly help to cover compensation payments to Sidoarjo Mudflows victims. Number of victim have reach 13.146 peoples until now. And other information said more that it. We don't know when their suffering will be end. We hope that our leaders more respect with the justice and welfare of people than their personal or group interest.

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